This package contains a avatar component.
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You can install this package using npm, yarn, or pnpm.
npm install @pikas-utils/screen
yarn add @pikas-utils/screen
pnpm add @pikas-utils/screen
Use this hook to get the window size.
This hook comes from usehooks-ts library.
import { useWindowSize } from '@pikas-utils/screen';
const Example: React.FC = () => {
const { width, height } = useWindowSize();
return (
The current window dimensions are:{' '}
<code>{JSON.stringify({ width, height })}</code>
Use this hook to know the screen media in relation to the window size.
import { useWindowSize } from '@pikas-utils/screen';
const Example: React.FC = () => {
const media = useMediaScreen();
return (
The current media screen is: <b>{media}</b>
Use this hook to find out if the screen media is valid for the current screen.
import { useMediaScreenValid } from '@pikas-utils/screen';
const Example: React.FC = () => {
const mediaValid = useMediaScreenValid({ media: 'md', operator: '>' });
return (
Media screen: <b>md</b>
Operator: <b>></b>
Media valid: <b>{mediaValid ? 'true' : 'false'}</b>
import { getMediaByScreenSize } from '@pikas-utils/screen';
const size: number = 1200;
// 'xl'
import { getScreenSizeByMedia } from '@pikas-utils/screen';
const media: Medias = 'md';
// 768
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